Succession Planning

An Enterprise of Leaders can create success as a habit, but not an Enterprise of Managers because...

 An Enterprise of Leaders are Achievers!
An Enterprise of Managers are Doers!

Succession planning is a critical & connected process of Recruitment, Talent Management and Employee Performance Management.

Succession Planning of Leaders ensure Business Succession Plan. “Bench strength”, as it is commonly called, remains a stubborn problem in many if not most companies.

Our HR Transformers with decades of Experience from various Verticals can identify the gaps and ensure a smooth transition to identify Home Grown Leaders. Our solutions help in the transition of Leadership from the current generation Leaders to the successors.

We smoothen out Succession Planning through…


An integrated approach aimed at identifying Hi-Pots within the system using a mix of psychometric and perceptual assessments as well as performance data, ironing out subjectivity and bias.

  • Role Fitment: Ascertaining critical behaviors required for roles and identifying people who display such behaviors at close to desired level
  • Gap Analysis: Help create a learning roadmap to help augment their skills and behaviors either through learning interventions or executive coaching

Learning Solutions

Drawing upon a wide range soft skill, behavioral & leadership programs, we have the ability to develop the desired skills & behaviors with clear success measures & business impact.

  • Classroom
  • Outbound
  • Self-Learn (E-Learn & Simulation)
  • Assessments to ascertain pre & post intervention change
  • Live project scenarios

Executive Coaching

We help close out the skill & behavior gap in individuals closer to the behavior & performance benchmark with individualized learning roadmap and coached exclusively for success. Based on need, this can be implemented post learning interventions or independent of them

  • One-on-One: In-person / Virtual
  • One-to-Many: In-person / Virtual
  • Assessments to ascertain pre & post change
  • Live project scenarios